Mindfulness Workshop Waitlist Registration

Mindfulness Workshop
Waitlist Registration

Waitlist Registration Process

Thank you for your overwhelming interest in our mindfulness workshops! Due to the high demand, we are delighted to announce the opening of a waitlist.

In the event that a spot becomes available in one of our workshops, a dedicated member of our staff will reach out to you. Upon availability, a Confirmation of Registration will be promptly sent to your email address.

To ensure you don't miss out, we strongly encourage you to submit a registration form. Your mindfulness journey awaits, and we appreciate your patience and enthusiasm!

What to Bring: Please bring a yoga mat and a bottle of water.

What to Wear: We recommend wearing flexible, form-fitting clothing for a comfortable experience. Whether that’s shorts, leggings or sweatpants, be prepared to wear clothing that allows freedom of movement.

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Cost: $30 per session

Cost for Dr Kapur’s patients and Kernodle clinic employees: the fee is waived. Select (YES) below to bypass payment. 

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